78 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture Planning Using TOGAF-ADM at Scoob Telur Company

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    Scoob Telur is a company that operates in the distribution of eggs in the Province of East Java, especially in the capital city of Surabaya. Unfortunately, business processes ranging from sales, expenses and report generation are still not supported by the use of IS / IT and the absence of strategic information systems planning or mature enterprise architecture. Besides, based on the results of observations and interviews, it was found that there is no information system that can manage financial processes systematically and there are no applications that can help the company's business processes. Based on these, an information system and information technology are needed that can be used to manage the financial process and also control and monitor the company so that it can advance the performance and service of the Scoob Telur company. Enterprise architecture design uses TOGAF ADM, which is a detailed framework used to design, evaluate and build architecture enterprise. The results of this research provide a design that determines business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and opportunities and solutions and also includes application system design proposals so that it can support business processes as well as making reports that occur on Scoob Telur.Scoob Telur is a company that operates in the distribution of eggs in the Province of East Java, especially in the capital city of Surabaya. Unfortunately, business processes ranging from sales, expenses and report generation are still not supported by the use of IS / IT and the absence of strategic information systems planning or mature enterprise architecture. Besides, based on the results of observations and interviews, it was found that there is no information system that can manage financial processes systematically and there are no applications that can help the company's business processes. Based on these, an information system and information technology are needed that can be used to manage the financial process and also control and monitor the company so that it can advance the performance and service of the Scoob Telur company. Enterprise architecture design uses TOGAF ADM, which is a detailed framework used to design, evaluate and build architecture enterprise. The results of this research provide a design that determines business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and opportunities and solutions and also includes application system design proposals so that it can support business processes as well as making reports that occur on Scoob Telur

    Peran Framework ITIL V3 Mengukur Kualitas Layanan TI (Studi Kasus : Perpustakaan UAJY)

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    Pemberian pelayanan kepada pelanggan dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan. Salah satu organisasi yang berhubungan dengan bagian pelayanan adalah perpustakaan. Studi kasus dalam paper ini dilakukan pada perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta (UAJY). Perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta telah memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap pengunjung. Kemajuan teknologi juga dimanfaatkan oleh staf perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta untuk proses monotoring dan evaluasi. Oleh karena itu penulis ingin mengukur kualitas layanan teknologi informasi di perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah mengetahui kualitas layanan teknologi informasi pada perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta melalui pemberian level  dari level 0 hingga level 5. Penulis melakukan proses pengukuran kualitas layanan teknologi informasi mengunakan framework Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) V3. Hal ini dikarenakan framework ITIL memiliki manfaat dan kelebihan dalam melakukan proses pengukuran tingkat kualitas layanan teknologi informasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisoner. Berdasarkan pengukuran tingkat kualitas layanan teknologi informasi menggunakan framework ITIL V3, layanan teknologi informasi pada perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogjakarta masuk pada level 3 yaitu, prosedur dan instruksi pekerjaan telah distandarisasikan dan didokumentasikan

    Pengujian Website EPOS PT XYZ Menggunakan Metode Black Box Testing

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    Abstrak. PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang mengadopsi website untuk membantu produktivitas bisnisnya. Oleh karena itu, website yang digunakan memerlukan pengujian terlebih dahulu untuk memastikan fungsionalitas website dapat berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan dan terhindar dari bug atau masalah. Penelitian ini berfokus dalam melakukan pengujian pada website secara manual dan otomatis, menggunakan metode black box testing dan teknik equivalence partitioning. Pengujian akan dimulai dengan membangun test case terlebih dahulu agar bisa mendapatkan hasil yang terstruktur dan terarah. Hasil dari pengujian akan digunakan untuk melihat bagaimana presentase keberhasilan dari fungsionalitas yang ada pada website. Selain mendapatkan presentase keberhasilan dari pengujian, penelitian ini juga akan melihat bagaimana kelebihan dan kekurangan dari pengujian otomatis dan pengujian manual berdasarkan beberapa parameter perbandingan.Kata Kunci: Pengujian, Black Box Testing, Equivalence Partitioning, Pengujian Otomatis, Pengujian Manua

    Perencanaan Arsitektur Teknologi Informasi Kelurahan Babau Menggunakan TOGAF ADM

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    Abstract. Information technology architecture planning for Baubau Village using TOGAF ADM. Babau Village is a village located in Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Currently, Babau Village has implemented information technology as a centre for information and administrative services. To improve the quality of service to the community, existing information technology needs to be further developed because the amount of information in the system will continue to increase along with population growth. The problem faced if information technology is not developed is a system performance problem. For further development to be more focused, research on an information technology architecture design for Babau Village. The design using TOGAF ADM is a blueprint and a roadmap for the development of advanced information technology services. The aim is that the existing business processes within the Babau Village related to information and administrative services continue to develop according to the needs of the community and the organizational management of Babau Village.Keywords: enterprise architecture planning, TOGAF, ADM, Babau VillageAbstrak. Kelurahan Babau adalah sebuah kelurahan yang terletak di Kabupaten Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Saat ini Kelurahan Babau sudah menerapkan teknologi informasi sebagai pusat pelayanan informasi dan administrasi. Demi meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat, teknologi informasi yang ada perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut karena jumlah informasi yang ada dalam sistem akan terus meningkat seiring pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Masalah yang dihadapi apabila teknologi informasi tidak dikembangkan ialah masalah kinerja sistem. Agar pengembangan tahap lanjut lebih terarah, penelitian mengenai sebuah perancangan arsitektur teknologi informasi untuk Kelurahan Babau. Perancangan yang menggunakan TOGAF ADM tersebut merupakan blueprint dan juga roadmap untuk pengembangan pelayanan teknologi informasi tahap lanjut. Tujuannya ialah proses bisnis yang ada didalam Kelurahan Babau terkait pelayanan informasi dan administrasi terus berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan pengurus organisasi Kelurahan Babau.Kata Kunci: arsitektur teknologi informasi, TOGAF, ADM, Kelurahan Baba

    Machine Learning Classifiers for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Review

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is abrain evelopment disorder that affects the ability to communicate and interact socially. There have been many studies using machine learning methods to classify autism including support vector machines, decision trees, naïve Bayes, random forests, logistic regression, K-nearest Neighbors and others. In this study provides a review on autism spectrum disorder by using a machine learning algorithm that is supervised learning. The initial study of the article was collected from a website provided articles were in according with this study, after going through the process of selecting articles 11 articles were eligible in this study. Based on the results obtained, that the most widely used algorithm in the literature study in this study is support vector machine (SVM) of 63.63%, with the application of machine learning in the case of ASD expected to be able to accelerate and improve accuracy in determining a diagnosi

    Performance Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms Using Different Data Set Sizes for Diabetes Prediction

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    Data classification algorithm in machine learning is very helpful in analyzing a number of medical data with a large size and helps in making decisions to diagnose a disease. Not all supervised classification algorithms get accurate results in analyzing data sets. For this reason, testing the accuracy of each supervised classification algorithm is necessary, this can be used as a comparison in determining which types of algorithms are most accurate in measuring small amounts of data, and which algorithms are the most accurate in measuring large amounts of data. In this paper we will examine several classification algorithms including Naïve Bayes algorithms, functions (Support Vector Classifier algorithms), rules (decision table algorithms), trees (J48) by looking at the results of measurements made by each algorithm with measurement variables, which are Correctly Classified, incorrect classifieds, Precision, and Recall. The purpose of the study was to find the weaknesses and strengths of the supervised classification algorithm based on the measurement variables that have been determined against the testing of predictive databases of diabetes. Based on the results in this study, the best algorithm that can be used to help make a decision to diagnose a disease is the SVM algorithm with an accuracy value of 77.3%

    Gamifikasi sebagai Metode untuk Mendapatkan Customer Loyalty: Review Literatur

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    Customer loyalty merupakan salah satu hal penting dibidang bisnis. Hal tersebut dikarenakan customer loyalty dapat memberikan tambahan pendapatan bagi sektor bisnis. Customer loyalty diterapkan tidak hanya pada bisnis retail saja, tetapi banyak sektor bisnis lainnya yang menerapkannya. Customer loyalty memiliki beberapa variabel dan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhinya. Hal tersebut antara lain adalah engagament, satisfaction dan brand. Ketiga faktor tersebut dapat dihasilkan dari penerapan gamifikasi. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dijelaskan mengenai gamifikasi yang dapat mempengaruhi customer loyalty. Pada penelitian ini juga akan dibahas elemen game apa yang sesuai dengan konteks ini, bagaimana cara penerapannya dan apa dampak yang akan dihasilkannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat beberapa elemen gamifikasi yang dapat diterapkan. Ditunjukkan pula implementasi gamifikasi yang cocok untuk permasalahan ini.Customer loyalty is one of the important things in the business area. This is because customer loyalty can provide additional revenue for the business sector. Customer loyalty is applied not only to the retail business, but many other business sectors that implement it. Customer loyalty has several variables and factors that can influence it. These include engagament, satisfaction and brand. These three factors can be generated from the application of gamification. Therefore, in this study we will explain about gamification that can affect customer loyalty. In this study, the elements of the game will be discussed in accordance with this context, how to implement them and what impacts they will produce. The results of this study conclude that there are several gamification elements that can be applied. Also demonstrated the implementation of gamification that is suitable for this problem

    Real-Time 3-D Motion Gesture Recognition using Kinect2 as Basis for Traditional Dance Scripting

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    This preliminary study presents a system capable of recognizing human gesture in real-time. The gesture is acquired from a Kinect2 sensor which provides skeleton joints represented by three-dimensional coordinate points. The model set consists of eight motion gestures is provided for basis of gesture recognition using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm. DTW algorithm is utilized to identify in real time manner by measuring the shortest combined distances in x, y, and z coordinates in order to determined the matched gesture. It can be shown that the system is able to recognize these 8 motions in real time with some limitations. The findings of the this study will provide solid foundation of further research in which the ultimate goal of the research is to create system to automatically recognize sequence of motions in Indonesian traditional dances and convert them into standardized Resource Description Framework (RDF) scripts for the purpose of preserving these dances

    Data Analysis for Corruption Indications on Procurement of Goods and Services

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    Corruption occurs in many developing countries and is very difficult to detect because of weak legal awareness, lack of good governance, and integrity. In Indonesia, there are seven types of corruption cases handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). One of the corruption cases which is detrimental to the state occurs in public procurement, such as the procurement of goods/services. This case is the second most corrupt crime after bribery in Indonesia. In this research, we try to identify potential corruption from auction data on goods/services procurement in government. By using Big Data technology, it is expected that the process can be carried out immediately to assist the KPK in identifying potential corruption in goods/services procurement auctions
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